OFPRA Procedure

IMPORTANT : Visa applications for family reunification (OFPRA procedure) are handled by a dedicated department at the Embassy. Therefore, NO APPOINTMENT CAN BE MADE ONLINE. The Embassy will give you an appointment by email.

Family reunification : OFPRA procedure|

Visa application for family reunification through the OFPRA procedure follows four main steps :

  • 1- Registration
  • 2- Lodging your visa application
  • 3- Application processing
  • 4- Decision regarding the visa application

1- Registration:

Families wishing to apply for family reunification via the OFPRA procedure must register by sending an email to visas.dacca-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr

The email subject must include the following elements: "OFPRA - Registration - Surname Given name of the spouse in Bangladesh"

In order to verify your eligibility for the family reunification-ofpra procedure the applicant has to provide the scanned copies of the following documents through email:

- The registration form fully completed and signed by the parent currently residing in Bangladesh.(registration form here)
- OFPRA marriage certificate and husband’s birth certificate.
- Proof of the relative’s status in France (OFPRA decision, Court ruling - all pages...).
- Copy of husband’s carte de séjour and titre de voyage pour réfugié.
- Passport photocopies for each applicant family member and birth certificate for children.
- Bangladeshi marriage certificate.

If a minor without parents in Bangladesh wishes to apply, a declaration from the parent in France designating the child’s legal guardian, an affidavit and a copy of his identity card must be provided.


A copy of the registration form, a visa application form and the list of the required documents to be provided for the interview will be sent to confirm your registration.

You can also find the list of required documents here:

PDF - 434 kb
OFPRA / OFII - Required documents
(PDF - 434 kb)

2- Lodging your visa application :

Due to the increasing number of families applying for family reunification visas, and in order to maintain equality among all, appointments are given as per their registration date, from the eldest to the most recent. Nevertheless, a waiting period of six months must be supported.

As soon as possible, the Embassy will email you an appointment date and time, depending of the processing department availabilities. One appointment only is given for the spouse and the children (if applicable). All applicants have to attend.

Reminder : Appointments booked through the embassy website wizard WILL NOT allow any family to place OFPRA visa application(s). OFPRA visa applications are received and processed by another department of the Embassy.]

3- Application processing :

The visa application(s) processing will take up to eight months after submitting a complete file in order for the Embassy to carry out all the necessary verifications.

4- Decision regarding the visa application :

The decision will be made no later than eight months after the date of submission of the visa application.

The Embassy will contact you as soon as the decision is made.

Dernière modification : 12/02/2023

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