How do I apply for a visa to France?

FRANCE-VISAS is the official website for submitting and tracking your visa application. It’s a single portal containing all the information you need to guide you through the process and assist you at every stage of your application.


Access France-visas

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Do you need a visa?

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Complete your application online.

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Submit your file to the visa center.

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Suivez l’avancement de votre demande de visa

Anticipate and prepare your application:

Visa applications in Bangladesh are processed by the visa department of the French Embassy in Dhaka.

Applicants are requested to submit their visa applications at the earliest.

From the time of application, processing takes a minimum of ten days for short-stay visas, and one month for long-stay visas.

Depending on the type of application and the time of year, it may take longer to make an appointment and process your application.

  • Austria, Portugal and the Czech Republic are represented by France for short stays only.
    Applicants are invited to follow the procedure on France-visas.
    The visa application form must mention the French authorities for data processing, and the national supervisory authority. (see last box of the form)
    This form is available on France-visas.
  • Please check the "Visa news" section for updates.

- FAMILY REUNIFICATION VISA : Appointments for family reunification visas are given by the embassy. Families are notified via email or over the phone. Appointments taken via the appointment wizard will not allow you to submit your application.
- STUDENT VISA : make an appointment for an interview with the Cultural Attaché of the Embassy by email.
Please check the student visa process (here)

Dernière modification : 28/05/2024

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