French NGOs

The list of French NGOs operating in Bangladesh

Caritas Bangladesh : In Bangladesh, Caritas is operational in Integrated Development, Disaster Management and Human Resource Development, under a central management. Caritas restricts itself at present to 208 upazilas (sub-districts) for integrated human development work. During emergencies, such as natural disasters, Caritas is operational in any part of the country.

Visit the website : Caritas Bangladesh

ACTED : ACTED is working in the Rohingya refugee camps of the Kutupalong-Balukhali Expansion Site at the Ukhia sub-district of Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. In line with its 3Zero programming strategy, ACTED’s work in Bangladesh focuses on the following thematic areas: Collaborative and Resilient Ecosystem Management, Access to Basic Services, Strengthening Institutions and Civil Society, and Humanitarian Action.

Visit the website : ACTED

Friendship : In Bangladesh, a country facing the most pressing of humanity’s challenges, Frienship develop scalable solutions to strengthen marginalised communities, and empower people to transform their lives and reach their full potential.

Visit the website : Friendship

LP4Y : In Bangladesh, LP4Y work in various projects to support the development and the integration of young women.

Visit the website : LP4Y

Action contre la faim : In Cox’s Bazar region, ACF continued the prevention and treatment of acute malnutrition as well as support for Rohingya refugees : interventions in nutrition and health, mental health and care practices as well as water, sanitation and hygiene. In the Satkhira region, ACF supported the authorities in the fight against acute undernutrition. At the same time, the teams responded to the flood emergencies in Sirajganj by providing support to the populations: food aid, monetary transfers and a “cash for work” program focused on the rehabilitation of community infrastructure. In addition, they continue disaster risk reduction activities (supporting and strengthening the preparedness capacities of communities and authorities in the face of disasters).

Visit the website : Action contre la faim

Handicap International: Bangladesh HI has been working in Bangladesh since 1997 to ensure that people with disabilities are integrated into society. HI also provides support to thousands of Rohingya refugees suffering from various disabilities.

Visit the website : Handicap International

Solinfo : Solinfo works in favor of disadvantaged children and youth in Bangladesh in the field of education and training.

Visit the website : Solinfo

Mati : MATI trains up young local women and men as social workers, so-called “field motivators”. They pass on their knowledge in the areas such as organic agriculture, environment protection, health care & hygiene, water & sanitation, nutrition, family planning, violence against women & domestic violence, child marriage, and child care, quality education, etc. to the groups through the weekly meeting.
The women groups also function as savings groups. By saving together, the group members gain access to loans for income-generating activities such as livestock, a rickshaw, a small business, or much-needed hut repair, a pending operation, or an education loan for their children.

Visit the website : Mati

Better with Water : Eau et Vie launched its programme in Bangladesh in 2010 following pre-operationnel studies highlighting high local needs of WASH services. The NGO is orienting its activities around : hygiene awareness, fire prevention, community building activities, solid waste management and sanitation projects.

Visit the website : Water & Life/ Better with Water

Street Children’s Partners - Maer Achol : IActive in the Bangladeshi countryside since 1998, Street Children’s Partners, a local branch of PARTENAIRES, opened a shelter for street children in Mirpur, a popular suburb of Dhaka, in 2002. The first children to be taken in named it Maer Achol, which means in Bengali the fold of the sari (where the mother shelters her baby).

Visit the website : Street Children’s Partners - Maer Achol

Médecins Sans Frontières-MSF : In Bangladesh, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) provides healthcare for Rohingya refugees who have fled persecution in Myanmar. In 2022, they also supported responses to flooding and outbreaks of diarrhoea.

Visit the website : Médecins Sans Frontières-MSF

Bibliothèque Sans Frontières-BSF : In 2019, BSF deployed eight Ideas Box and thirty Ideas Cubes in the Rohingya refugee camps of the Cox’s Bazar district. These libraries enable children and teenagers to learn how to read and write, in a context where illiteracy affects 70% of the population. Local mediators also regularly organize writing, theater, and photography workshops for the Rohingya and Bangladeshi communities.

Visit the website: Bibliothèque Sans Frontières-BSF

Amis du Monde : Bangladesh ratified the International Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990, but the country faces significant problems that still hinder children’s access to their rights. Amis du Monde is a French NGO working in Bangladesh to ensure the rights of the underprivileged children in the country. The NGO is conducting different programs including educating and training on children rights.

Visit the website: Amis du Monde

Aide Médicale & Développement (AMD) : Aide Médicale & Développement (AMD) and Kiné Du Monde (KDM) (World Physiotherapists) and SARPV, is fighting to help disabled children in Bangladesh in the area of Chakaria. Each year, a team of doctors, surgeons, nurses, physiotherapists and orthoprosthetists take part in a mission in Bangladesh. Most of these professional healthcare workers come from hospitals in Gap, Grenoble or Lyon.

Visit the website: Aide Médicale & Développement (AMD)

The above list is not a conclusive list. In order to get the more detailed list of French NGOs which are enlisted in NGO Affaires Bureau of Bangladesh Government

- click on this link to the website NGO Affaires Bureau of Bangladesh Government dedicated to NGOs present in Bangladesh

- Search for "France" through search button in the table of NGOs (important: check the file update date as well as the dates appearing in the column entitled "Valid upto").

Then consult the websites of the particular French NGOs to know detail about their activities in Bangladesh.

Dernière modification : 21/04/2024

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