Discours de l’Ambassadrice - Climate Parliament Bangladesh

I would like to focus on the following issues.

1) As we are all aware, the results of last COP in Charm were relatively disappointing, but on 1 point : the loss and damage fund was eventually created. It remains to be operationalized, a transition committee is working on it. In our view, this fund should be dedicated to the most vulnerable countries and it should receive fundings not only from developed countries but from all potential donors.
But on the issue of climate finance in general, the results have not been the ones we had wished. As President Macron said, again, we need a huge financial shock as soon as possible. This would allow 2 things :

-  By reforming international multilateral financial institutions, concessional loans could be more easily mobilized and made more accessible to those who need them, the most vulnerable countries to climate change, including Bangladesh.
-  The second important goal we have in mind would be the enlargement of climate finance to all low carbon and resilient development policies, in line with the Paris Agreement. Concretely, this means that not only public funds should be concerned, but also private ones, and furthermore the number of possible donors should be broadened.
To that end, far ahead of the next COP, we took the initiative of announcing a Summit in Paris next June which will look at the implementation of those necessary reforms, after the Spring meetings of the international financial and development institutions.

2) Nonwithstanding those disappointing results, one important breakthrough of those last months has been the increasing role played by civil society, and particularly the youth. Your voice is now heard like never before and this is very encouraging.
As I progressively can see it, Climate organisations’ initiatives in Bangladesh are not only thriving but more and more efficient when it comes to influence the policies decided upon. And those organizations are mainly in the hands of the young people of your country. Their vision of our planet and the climate challenges is a very realistic one : not only one should push for a swift implementation of the existing agreements and frameworks, but also, as citizens one should act locally. And your organizations are smartly connected to the rest of the planet, so that the level of understanding fits in the parameters of action.

Ladies and Gentlemen,
The fight against climate change is not anly an urgent imperative, but it is to be felt every day, every where. Here in Bangladesh, France is committed, through her Development Agency, AFD, to implement only climate resilient projects. The amount of 1.4 Bn euros has already been engaged and we look further to adapt more and more our future projects to your needs.
We are grateful to your Climate Parliament, which shows the determination of your country to move forward in tackling those challenges. France is on your side.

Thank you.

Dernière modification : 31/03/2024

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